EarPlanes: ear protection and pain reliever for airplane travel. ear pain can be caused by rapid changes in cabin air pressure in airplanes when taking off and landing.
Don't suffer and use the best ear protection equipment for your Flight.
EarPlanes help relieve ear discomfort, clogging, and popping by naturally filtering and regulating air pressure with its exclusive CeramX filter. EarPlanes are a must have for your next trip and are essential for your carry-on bag!
EarPlanes are safe, soft, and disposable - made from soft hypoallergenic silicone.
EarPlanes are doctor recommended, tested by U.S. Navy pilots, and backed by a money back guarantee! Don't forget to pack your EarPlanes and put an end to ear pain for you and your loved ones. Instructions: before inserting, pinch nose and blow. For best results, always insert EarPlanes one hour before landing. Remove after landing and when cabin door is opened.
Chronic sufferers may also insert EarPlanes Just before takeoff.
EarPlanes may be removed when the airplane reaches maximum altitude and reinsert one hour before landing. For maximum results, use your opposite hand to pull the top of your ear upward. Insert the ribbed end and turn like a corkscrew until snug.